How To Live A Purposeful Life


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Hi Karegeous family, welcome to this week's blog.

Many of us chose to "LIVE" and not to "EXIST" from what I could gather from our first blog.
That is absolutely incredible!
After choosing to "LIVE" now we have to practically do it.
We do this by taking an intentional step every day towards our "PURPOSE."

What is Purposeful Living?
Purpose is that one unique gift that is innate and allows us to carry out a certain task in this world. 

For example, I believe my purpose in this life is to change people's lives by offering hope, inspiration, and encouragement. 

If you wake up tomorrow and decide to copy-paste what I am doing, yet it is not within you, bet me you will not go far. At the end of the day, you will feel pathetic and miserable. That I can promise you!

For you to be able to live a purposeful life, you need to find and define your own purpose.

Many of us mistake a career for a purpose. Those are two different things that can be separate or connected. You can be an accountant, but your purpose is in the community work, a marketer, but your purpose is in cooking, or even an IT guru, but your purpose is in music. The careers we pursue are means we can use to propel our purposes. 

So, how can we live a purposeful life?

1) Find out your purpose

It would be insane for you to enter a matatu from the city center without knowing where it is heading. 
Funny thing, most of us have no clue of where life is taking us. We flow with the vibe.

It is paramount for each of us to have a meeting with ourselves and figure out what this life means for us.
This starts from what I would like to achieve regarding family and relationships, business, employment, investments, and other life aspects that you desire.

It would then be more comfortable to set goals that aim to achieve what you have set out to do.

2) Live It (Start Now)

After I have known what my purpose is, what is next?

Activate that purpose. 

Write down a strategy that will propel you towards achieving your goal. Having short-term and long-term goals is essential.

Where do you see yourself in 3 months and 3 years after activating your purpose?

It takes courage to start living a purposeful life.

I recently read the journey of Wilson Muirani alias 'Jaymo Ule Msee,' who shared his story in an interview with Jalang'o on Jalang'o Tv. He decided to quit his banking job and embarked on a journey to find what fulfilled him. He always strived to achieve what he set his mind to do, no matter the challenges that came his way. He never waited for a perfect time to arrive. All he did was to believe in himself, took the risk to activate his purpose, and success followed after.
To watch the interview:

I am no advocating for people to quit their jobs if they are unhappy. But if that is what it will take for you to live your purpose, why not!

Always remember that there will never be perfect conditions for you to start. Also, when pursuing your purpose, never put your focus on how much money you will get. Money comes as an incentive, way later in the journey.

Nothing comes easy in this life. You have to pay the price!

Do not forget to subscribe, comment and share.

Till next time.

Keep it 'Karegeous.'

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How To Live A Purposeful Life

  Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash Hi Karegeous family, welcome to this week's blog. Many of us chose to "LIVE" and not to &q...